Making Amends: Top 17 Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Making Amends: Top 17 Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness
Making Amends: Top 17 Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness

Flowers are elegant and beautiful, which makes them an excellent gesture to extend forgiveness. The natural beauty of flowers conveys a message that words sometimes cannot, especially when trying to mend a strained relationship. The flowers have the power to loosen up even the hardest of hearts. Their vibrancy of colors, delicacy of petals, and soothing fragrance can mend broken bonds. Many flowers have a deep connection with reconciliation and forgiveness in several cultures. 

Further ahead in this article, we shall outline the top 17 flowers that symbolize forgiveness. You can use these flowers to make amends naturally through their soft beauty and healing presence.

Why Can Flowers Be Used For Forgiveness?

Flowers can be used for forgiveness because they carry deep symbolic meanings and evoke emotions that words alone might not achieve. A lot of flowers throughout history have been tagged with the concepts of healing, peace, and reconciliation. It is this beauty and delicacy that can soften up the feelings of anger or hurt. Thus, giving flowers is a very thoughtful gesture to show sincerity and repentance. They are somehow the silent language of the heart.

List of 17 Flowers That Symbolize Forgiveness: Natural Way To Make Amends 

What better way is there to say sorry than with a bunch of gorgeous flowers that symbolize forgiveness? Each one is special, different, and symbolic in its own right. Let’s look at the top 17 flowers that represent forgiveness most perfectly.


Violets represent modesty, humility, and sincerity. They are among the best flowers one could use in asking for forgiveness. Violets are some of the early bloomers during spring and exhibit soft purple colors as a peaceful presence. They denote that you approach the situation with true contrition and seek for a chance to start anew.


Bluebells usually denote constancy and humility, perfect for expressing repentance and praying for forgiveness. These small blue flowers usually bloom during mid to late spring. The soothing color of bluebells also conjures up a message of peace and healing.


Pure white petals of gardenia represent calm & reconciliation
Pure white petals of gardenia represent calm & reconciliation

The intoxicating scent of gardenias and its pure white petals are representative of purity, calm, and reconciliation. They range in bloom from late spring into early summer. Giving gardenias in a nosegay for forgiveness illustrates great emotional investment with the hope of restoring peace.


These flowers began to bloom in the very early spring and stand for sincerity, and a wish for a second chance. Therefore, they are suitable to beg for forgiveness. Giving anemones means being able to declare your desire for a new beginning, and acknowledging the mistakes of the past.


Daisies represent innocence and purity, and they bloom from spring to summer. Their cheerful simplicity makes them the right flower for an apology. When giving daisies, it means you hope the peace is restored and things can go back to being simpler, happier times.


Aster flowers, which mean patience and love, open late in the summer into early autumn. Hopeful and healing, the star-shaped flowers are thereby an ideal choice for an apology. Giving asters symbolizes your wish that the relationship gets strengthened and renewed.


Hydrangeas, particularly the color blue, mean understanding and sincere apology. These flowers bloom from early spring to late autumn. Hydrangeas have huge beautiful blooms with deep emotions meant to attain forgiveness. Giving hydrangeas means one is aware of the pain caused, is penitent, and is willing to make amends.


Peony flowers, late spring blooming, are associated with compassion and the healing process. Lush, soft petals represent the desire for renewal. If you desire to restore relationships and begin anew, give that one a bouquet of fresh peonies. 

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding hearts are one of the most favorite flowers that symbolize forgiveness. They bloom during spring and are a poignant symbol of sorrow, regret, and emotional depth. Their heart-shaped flowers visually illustrate the pain of past mistakes. There are few flowers as emotionally evocative as bleeding hearts. This is because it shows that you’ve recognized the pain and now wish to mend the relationship.


Hyacinths bloom in early spring and hold many symbolic meanings
Hyacinths bloom in early spring and hold many symbolic meanings

Hyacinths bloom in early spring and hold many symbolic meanings. And hyacinths with purple color are a great choice to ask for forgiveness. Its bright, fragrant flowers offer renewal and solace. A beautiful bouquet of hyacinths is a sincere means to show your genuine wish to restore trust and harmony.


These flowers are often said to mean forgiveness, especially in soft colors like pink. Tulips bloom in spring, which depicts new and fresh beginnings and a sincere display of sorry. It sends hope, understanding, and a wish to move forward when giving tulips to someone. This makes them the ideal flowers for a heart-to-heart apology.


The jasmine flowers from spring into summer and expresses refinement and elegance. This sweet fragrance warms up any apology gesture. The small white flowers call for peace and a desire to start anew.


Daffodil flowers, which bloom in the early spring season, depict new beginnings and hope. Thus, this is considered a very good flower to symbolize forgiveness. Its bright yellow petals reflect optimism, exuding energy of healing. Giving daffodils is one way to show you are willing to restart after some sort of conflict.


Roses, especially those that are pink and white, have timeless associations with love and forgiveness. In bloom from the beginning to the end of summer, the grace of roses speaks volumes of great emotion and sincere apologies. Roses can be used to mend a romantic relationship or even a friendship. They are sure to get across that you commit to making it right and keeping the peace.


Orchids bloom during all seasons of the year and symbolize beauty, strength, and elegance. In an apology, it carries a deep and sincere wish to make things right. Their exotic appearance represents the value you place on the relationship and your effort into reconciliation.


Giving carnations is a great way to ask for forgiveness
Giving carnations is a great way to ask for forgiveness

It is said that white carnations are the purest form of forgiveness and love. They flower in late spring into summer, continuing beauty that speaks to sincerity and want to reform. Then, give one some white or pink carnations to let them know you want to rebuild the relationship and start with a fresh trust.


Last on our list is Lily. The lily represents purity, peace, and renewal. Their flowers are elegant and appropriate to relay a deeply felt apology. Lilies can soothe the relationship and enhance mutual comprehension, especially when one is seeking forgiveness.

Tips To Use Flowers To Ask For Forgiveness

To apologize with flowers that symbolize forgiveness, choose some that signify reconciliation, such as violets, lilies, or white roses. Don’t forget to attach a note to emphasize your sincere apology. You should send the flowers soon after a conflict to show your immediate desire to make amends. It will be best if you pick up the flowers that the receiver loves. If possible, delivering the bouquet personally makes the apology more meaningful and sincere.

Last Words From Floral Mean

The use of flowers in showing forgiveness was one of the most timeless heart-touching ways to express their apologies. Each of the 17 flowers that symbolize forgiveness we have explored conveys its own message of reconciliation. A thoughtful flower bouquet can open the door to healing, understanding, and a renewed bond.